Why Is My Monitor Not Turning On?

Imagine starting off a hectic workday with a plain black monitor screen after turning the PC on. It’s the most stressful situation one comes across right after sitting for work. While you may want to throw the laptop right out of the window, it’s real life, not reel life! You need to ask yourself the question: why is my monitor not turning on?

There are plenty of reasons behind this issue. But all are easy to solve and don’t require hard work. 

We’re sure you’ve been a victim of this situation and might be facing it as you are reading this article. Keep reading till the end to find the solution to this problem!

Why is My Monitor not Turning on When I Turn on My PC?

  1. Loose Ports or Faulty Cables

The main reason behind your monitor not showing a black screen is loose connections. If the cables and wires are not properly plugged-in, you won’t see anything on the screen, except your reflection. It can be because of a worn-out USB cable or the power one. If you’ve just bought a monitor, you might have not fixed the wires tightly. 

  1. The computer is on Sleep Mode

It’s possible that you haven’t turned off the computer the day before. Or if you’ve left it unattended during your break, it must have gotten into sleep mode. To wake it up, move your mouse, click the mouse buttons, or use any key. If it doesn’t do the job, pressing the power button will bring the screen back.

  1. Hardware Problem

If you are using the same old monitor for many years, it must’ve been dead if you see a black screen. So, instead of asking why is my monitor not turning on? You need to buy a new monitor within the mid-range, if not an expensive one. The hardware problem can look like a worn-out graphic card or a motherboard. To check if the video card is working, you can insert it into a different monitor. That’s how you’ll know the underlying fault. 

Here’s How to Fix a Blank Monitor Screen

Now you know what are the possible reasons behind the issue, it’s time to fix them. Here’s what you can do.

  1. Restart Your Computer Forcely 

If all you see is a black screen after trying the power button. Try pressing the power button for 10 seconds to force shut down your PC, then turn it on. Doing this repeatedly three times, the Windows Startup repair should launch automatically. From there you can choose the necessary options to make your screen work again.

  1. Fix the Loose Connections

Check that the data transmission wire from the display is properly connected to the computer. If your monitor is old you will have a VGA port and the necessary cable. The newer displays use a DVI or HDMI cable and connector. 

Now, check for a blue, green, or orange light to see if the monitor is powered on. The light is visible on the back or front of the monitor’s frame. No lights mean, there is a problem with the power cable. Make sure it’s plugged into a functional power socket. Replace the power cord with another power cable if it is the issue and not the socket. If the display condition light is orange or flashing, move your mouse or hit the Esc key to ensure the monitor is not in Standby mode.

  1. Reconnect the Peripherals

Certain devices attached to your computer may potentially contribute to the black screen problem. Disconnect all of your peripherals to determine if that’s the source of the problem. Turn off your computer and unplug all peripherals, then try restarting your system.

If your computer boots normally, one of the peripherals you removed is the source of the problem. To identify the problematic device, reinstall each peripheral one at a time after testing.

  1. Reinstall the RAM

The last reason behind this problem is a faulty connection between your RAM and motherboard. You must reinstall your RAM in this situation. This procedure will differ based on the type of system you have. If you are unsure how to proceed, examine your computer’s manuals or get expert assistance. But here are some basics:

  • Hold the power key down until your computer shuts off.
  • Remove the AC power cord from the power source and open the computer case.
  • Unplug your RAM from the memory socket on your motherboard and insert it again
  • Plug in the AC power cord to the power source and switch on your computer.

A monitor not turning on isn’t the end of the world. Electronic devices do malfunction occasionally. And if your monitor is showing nothing even after the PC is turned on, you need to assess the reasons and then find the appropriate solutions.

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