Why Are G-Sync Monitors So Expensive?

If you are a gamer you would know how important it is to get a gold gaming monitor. It improves your gaming performance and helps you get an edge over your opponents. Gaming monitors have various features which are not available in normal monitors. One of the features is G-Sync. G-Sync was introduced in 2013 but still monitors with G-Sync are expensive. The G-Sync alone can add $100-$200 to a monitor. If you want to know why these types of monitors are so expensive continue reading as we go into detail on this topic. 

Why are G-sync monitors so expensive?

Before we talk about why G- Sync monitors are expensive we need to understand how a G-Sync monitor works. 

G-Sync is a technology introduced by Nvidia to match their rival AMD’s FreeSync. However, unlike FreeSync monitors, G-Sync monitors only work when you have an Nvidia GPU installed on your computer. How G-Sync basically works is it synchronizes the display rate on your monitor to the Nvidia GPU found in your pc. As soon as the GPU renders the next 3-D frame it sends a signal to the G-Sync that is built into the monitor to tell the monitor to update the image on the screen.

Due to this as soon as the image is rendered it is displayed on the monitor. This enables the refresh rate of the monitor and the refresh rate of the GPU to match. If you don’t have a G- Sync monitor there is a high chance you will face screen tearing.

Screen tearing is a common problem that takes place when the game’s frame rate does not match the monitor’s frame rate. G-Sync eliminates this issue by allowing the display to have a variable refresh rate and can sync the monitor’s minimum and maximum refresh rate to the frame rate of the Nvidia GPU. 

Due to the way it works there are some major advantages you can have. G-Sync allows the game being displayed to be lag and stutter-free. If you are a gamer you would know how annoying and frustrating it can get when a game stutters. With G-Sync and its synchronization of the GPU and the display, it will be a guarantee that you won’t face any stuttering while gaming.

Also, G-Sync reduces the input lag. Input lag is the amount of time it takes for your input to be registered and displayed on the screen. The main advantage of a G-Sync monitor is it allows you to have a tear-free gaming experience. As discussed above screen tearing can happen when the monitor’s frame rate and the GPUs frame rate are not the same. Due to the way G-Sync operates it makes sure this kind of non-synchronisation never happens. 

With so many advantages I think you will start to notice why G- Sync monitors are expensive. It provides a gaming experience like no other monitor and makes sure that the game you are playing is displayed smoothly. Also, the reason they are expensive is they have a great refresh rate. Most normal monitor caps at 60 FPS can not handle more FPS than that. However, G- Sync monitors are capable enough to handle more than 60 FPS as they are 144 Hz or more. Furthermore, when a monitor has so many great features it also has a good panel with great color depth. These are the reasons behind the high price tag of a G-Sync monitor. 

Are G-Sync monitors worth it?

Now that you understand why G-Sync monitors are expensive, the next question that may come into your mind is whether buying them is worth it. 

Well, the major reason why people buy G-Sync monitors is for gaming. They are specifically designed in a way to assist gamers. People who are competitive gamers and take part in e-sports tournaments are usually forced to buy these types of monitors. If you are a competitive gamer or love to play games then a G- Sync monitor can be a great purchase for you. Also if you have an Nvidia graphics card and want to utilize it fully then a G-Sync monitor will allow that.

If you don’t own an Nvidia graphics card then these types of monitors would not provide any extra benefit to you. You should also consider the types of games you play. If you like role-playing games then I would not recommend buying G- Sync monitors. Normal monitors with a great panel and a high refresh rate should be enough for such games.

On the other hand, if you like to play first-person competitive shooters or any online competitive game then a G- Sync monitor can come in handy. At the end of the day, the choice is completely up to you depending on your circumstances. 

It is no surprise that G- Sync monitors are expensive. They provide many different benefits that normal can not provide. If you are an e sport athlete then these monitors can also help you improve your game play and performance. Hopefully this article was informative and useful for you.

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