How To Adjust Brightness On Dell Monitor?

A computer’s screen brightness is the main thing a person notices once he/she buys a monitor. It has a major effect on your eyes and overall health. Unadjusted levels of screen brightness are quite unsettling. It makes it hard to concentrate on the visuals for a longer time. 

If you’ve recently bought a brand new Dell Laptop and the screen’s default brightness blinded you for a second, it’s time to make some changes. Or if it’s the opposite case for you where the low levels of brightness aren’t letting you see things clearly. But do you know how to adjust the brightness on a Dell monitor? Like most other brands, Dell enables customers to alter the brightness and contrast level for optimum comfort.

How to change the brightness on a Dell monitor?

There isn’t one but many methods to adjust brightness on Dell monitors. If it’s too high or too low, don’t worry! You can always make the desired changes. 

  1. Use The Brightness/Contrast Key

Almost every Dell monitor now has a brightness adjustment key on the keyboard. Especially in the new 24-inch models, you can find it on the top of the keyboard. If you own a very old version of Dell’s monitor, you might need to go for other methods. 

First, turn on the monitor and give the screen 15-20 minutes to adjust its color, contrast, and brightness automatically. Then, look for a black or grey sun symbol. It is half bright and half grey, indicating brightness level. The half bright shows increasing brightness, while the half-black indicates decreased brightness levels. After clicking on the symbol a brightness/contrast menu will show up. With the help of plus (+) and minus (-) signs adjust the contrast level.

  1. Look in the Main Menu

Some Dell laptops lack brightness/contrast keys. In this case, how to adjust the brightness on the Dell monitor? You can try this alternate method and open the device’s main menu to raise or lower the brightness level. After you open it, look for the tab that says “on-screen display menu”. There you will find the “brightness/contrast” option. Once you click it, the screen will show you a slider, using which you can adjust the brightness on the Dell monitor. 

  1. Adjust Using Windows Setting

Sometimes it’s not the laptop settings that you need to adjust, but your Windows setting. If the brightness level on the Dell monitor is set to the maximum yet the display is too dim, setting the Windows is the last resort. You can easily do it if you’re using Windows 11 by going into the control settings or the display settings. Open the Control Center by tapping on its tab. You can find it on the right bottom of the screen in Windows 11. Set the brightness bar at the bottom accordingly. 

If you’re going to make changes to display settings, launch the Control Center. Click on it and search for the “Settings” icon in the bottom-right corner. From there choose “Display.” You’ll again see a slider to make the necessary adjustments. Your Dell laptop also has a power-saving mode, during which the brightness turns down. You may also disable the “Improve Battery by Optimising the Content Shown and Brightness” option so that it doesn’t change the brightness automatically to save power.

How Does Screen’s Brightness Affect Our Eyes

Almost every household has a PC, if not a desktop then expensive mobile phones. There have been several types of research on the impact of digital screens on our eyes and overall health.  These investigations have determined that any eye impairment caused by screen usage is only transient.  Even though monitor screens can not cause lasting eye damage, they can cause asthenopia. In easy words, it is eye strain followed by eye tiredness, pain, and headaches. 

One famous technique to reduce eye strain is the 20-20-20 rule. It says: after every 20 minutes, a person should glance away from the screen for 20 seconds and stare at anything 20 feet away. This prevents the eye muscles that assist regulate the shape of your eye lens when concentrating on distant things from strain. 

Natural brightness is not inherently harmful to our eyes. A healthy pair of eyes have normal iris and pupils which can limit how much light reaches the eye. Even though stronger light sources are not immediately dangerous, improper lighting might cause visual problems. Working in low light, for example, your laptop’s screen can strain your eyes. Similarly, too much contrast might induce confusion.


Your Dell laptop monitor has adjustment levels for a reason. Tech companies take everything under consideration before coming up with such modern gadgets. Obviously, they don’t want you to go blind after concentrating on the screen for hours due to work. That’s why there are multiple alternative ways to adjust brightness on Dell monitors. 

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